Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Thankful Heart

"Lord, I will thank you with all my heart...and will thank you for your love and loyalty. You have made your name and your word greater than anything." Psalm 138:1-2

Each year on Thanksgiving, I take time to reflect on all the blessings God has bestowed upon me...even when I don't deserve it! His love is so amazing. Think about it. Who else is willing to extend their love and forgiveness to you when you fall short, disappoint, and continually put your own selfish wants and desires first?

As a Christian, I am a work in progress. I don't pretend to be perfect and I certainly don't pretend to have all the answers. However, my heart's desire is to seek, learn, and strive to know Christ in a very personal way. Simply put, I want to grow.

In addition to reading God's word, I find myself starting to read more books. One of the books I am reading right now is called, "Small Changes for a Better Life", by Elizabeth George. The book gives practical ways to living God's plan for your life. You know, the things we know we should do as Christians, but have a hard time putting into practice. One of my favorite parts of the book is where Mrs. George gives a acrostic formula for maturing spiritually. Here's an excerpt:


G-Give your life to Jesus Christ. When you ask Jesus to become Lord of your life, the Holy Spirit begins to do a work in you. This is the foundation for growing closer to Christ.

R-Recognize the sin in your life. What sin is present in your life that hinders you from growing closer to Christ? What sin secrets do you keep hidden from your friends and family, but can't be covered from Christ's eyes?

O-Overcome spiritual laziness. Because we are human, God has given us the freedom to choose. We have choices to make daily. As a Christian who desires growth, I have to make choices that will cultivate growth, not hinder it. If I feed myself worldly garbage, that's what I become. My attitude starts to stink and I become a complacent Christian who just shows up for church and gets nothing out of God's word. BORING!

W-Work out a method and rate for growth. Start to feed on God's word daily, listen to Christian music, read books, write a blog...find something that works for you. Basically, keep your eyes on Christ.

T-Try to find a mentor or accountability partner. Surround yourself with people who will tell you the truth which is biblically based, not just what you want to hear.

H-Have a life-long mentality about spiritual growth. If you want to grow closer to Christ, you have to make a commitment to walk with him daily. He is our friend. Do we choose to ignore the friends that we work with, go to church with, or meet in school? No. We have created a relationship with our friends through communication, mutual respect, and love. Doesn't Christ deserve the same?

Growth in Christ, for me, is the ultimate thank you I can give to him this Holiday season. For salvation, for his unconditional love, for all that he is to me, I give thanks!

May you remember "Jesus Loves You" this Thanksgiving and Christmas season!