Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Cross

"And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me." Luke 9:23

Ever think about what "The Cross" represents? For me, it's salvation. I'm reminded that my Savior died on a cross for my sins. It also reminds me of my new life in Christ. I'm forgiven! That doesn't mean I'm perfect.

We are all human...which means we have free will to make choices. Sometimes, the choices we make lead us to sin and further away from Christ. Separation from Christ is created when we choose to put our own selfish desires before Christ and we don't "take up our cross daily". Is this an easy task for a Christian? Absolutely not! There are things I struggle with daily. I find that my head often tells me one thing, but my thoughts are not always representative of what is in my heart. As Christians, we have to make decisions based on truth, not what "feels" right or "feels" good.

That's certainly contradictory to what society tells us. We live in a world that tells us any belief, political movement, or sexual orientation can be justified. Do what you will to make yourself "happy". That's what matters in life. If that is true, why do so many people live such miserable lives? It seems to me, they are empty. There is never enough money, big enough house, fast enough car, big enough flat screen, not enough toys...the list goes on and on. Personal fulfillment is not found in things. That race is like the one a mouse runs when he is after a piece of cheese. True happiness can only come from the father himself, Jesus Christ.

It all starts at the cross...that's where we find true love, peace, and happiness. It's where Christ comes into our hearts and the Holy Spirit convicts us and speaks to us daily.

My whole purpose in starting this blog was to stay accountable to Christ and try to live for him daily. Over the past few months, I have failed miserably. My quiet time is shorter, my time in the God's word is limited, and my daily walk is questionable at times. It's in times like these that I'm easily agitated, aggravated, and not so fun to be around. As I think about the cross, I'm reminded that that's where I belong...on bended knee, humbled by grace, and in awe of Jesus Christ.

Lord, you know my heart and all my convictions. Create in me a heart that is pure to be led solely by you and for you. I know you have created me for a purpose and to do great things for you. Help me to remember that daily and to walk as if you are right beside me. Challenge me to be better than I am right now and to remember that your blood was shed for me that day on Calvary. Forgive me, guide me, and continue to love me with all my imperfections. In your name I pray, Amen.