Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Cross

"And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me." Luke 9:23

Ever think about what "The Cross" represents? For me, it's salvation. I'm reminded that my Savior died on a cross for my sins. It also reminds me of my new life in Christ. I'm forgiven! That doesn't mean I'm perfect.

We are all human...which means we have free will to make choices. Sometimes, the choices we make lead us to sin and further away from Christ. Separation from Christ is created when we choose to put our own selfish desires before Christ and we don't "take up our cross daily". Is this an easy task for a Christian? Absolutely not! There are things I struggle with daily. I find that my head often tells me one thing, but my thoughts are not always representative of what is in my heart. As Christians, we have to make decisions based on truth, not what "feels" right or "feels" good.

That's certainly contradictory to what society tells us. We live in a world that tells us any belief, political movement, or sexual orientation can be justified. Do what you will to make yourself "happy". That's what matters in life. If that is true, why do so many people live such miserable lives? It seems to me, they are empty. There is never enough money, big enough house, fast enough car, big enough flat screen, not enough toys...the list goes on and on. Personal fulfillment is not found in things. That race is like the one a mouse runs when he is after a piece of cheese. True happiness can only come from the father himself, Jesus Christ.

It all starts at the cross...that's where we find true love, peace, and happiness. It's where Christ comes into our hearts and the Holy Spirit convicts us and speaks to us daily.

My whole purpose in starting this blog was to stay accountable to Christ and try to live for him daily. Over the past few months, I have failed miserably. My quiet time is shorter, my time in the God's word is limited, and my daily walk is questionable at times. It's in times like these that I'm easily agitated, aggravated, and not so fun to be around. As I think about the cross, I'm reminded that that's where I belong...on bended knee, humbled by grace, and in awe of Jesus Christ.

Lord, you know my heart and all my convictions. Create in me a heart that is pure to be led solely by you and for you. I know you have created me for a purpose and to do great things for you. Help me to remember that daily and to walk as if you are right beside me. Challenge me to be better than I am right now and to remember that your blood was shed for me that day on Calvary. Forgive me, guide me, and continue to love me with all my imperfections. In your name I pray, Amen.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Love One Another

"...Love your Neighbor as you love yourself." Matthew 22:39

Each year, my office, Myers Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics, takes the time to give back to the community and help others in need. During the month of February, we participate in a campaign called "Give Kids A Smile". We provide free dental services to families who can't afford to bring their children to the dentist. We provide cleanings, extract teeth that are causing pain, protect adult molars with sealants, and fill small cavities for children between the ages of five and thirteen.

This year, the event will be held on Friday, February 6th from 8-5. To help us make this event a success, we are asking that people in the community nominate families who need to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity. Nominated families who wish to participate in GKAS can contact me at (904)505-2010 (work) or (904)307-5689 (cell) to schedule a financial and dental screening prior to January 29th. We will assess the dental needs of the child and schedule them an appointed time to return on February 6th. The screening process will help to ensure that all children will get the most comprehensive care possible.

Please help us give kids a reason to smile!

On a personal note, preparing for this event reminds me why I love my job so much. I am so very blessed to work for two Christian men who love to give of their time and expertise to those in need. I also work with a wonderful staff who give of themselves daily to ensure families are welcomed, cared for, and educated in dentistry on a daily basis. We have an incredible team who love and treat others as they would want to be treated. I am honored and blessed to be part of an office that provides caring services from the heart, not just one time a year, but each day that we are open. I love you guys!!!!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Finding Strength

"I am the LORD, and there is no other; apart from me there is no God. I will strengthen you, though you have not acknowledged me, so that from the rising of the sun to the place of its setting men may know there is none besides me. I am the LORD, and there is no other."

Isaiah 45:5-6

As 2008 comes to an end, I am continually amazed by God's love for me. It is so refreshing to know that when I struggle with the storms of life, he is there for me. When I feel overwhelmed, he is ever present. When I am weak, he gives me strength. He is almighty, omnipotent, and powerful to love, forgive, save, and protect. He is GOD!

What keeps you from seeking God? Is it a lack of faith? Is it selfishness? Is it possessions? Is it a "I can handle it myself" attitude? What keeps you from knowing the most precious and fulfilling love you will ever find? He is there to heal your heart, give you peace, and fill you with joy unspeakable. In 2009, my prayer is that you will let go and let God! God is never a disappointment! His plan is sovereign and real...just like his love. Happy New Year!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Thankful Heart

"Lord, I will thank you with all my heart...and will thank you for your love and loyalty. You have made your name and your word greater than anything." Psalm 138:1-2

Each year on Thanksgiving, I take time to reflect on all the blessings God has bestowed upon me...even when I don't deserve it! His love is so amazing. Think about it. Who else is willing to extend their love and forgiveness to you when you fall short, disappoint, and continually put your own selfish wants and desires first?

As a Christian, I am a work in progress. I don't pretend to be perfect and I certainly don't pretend to have all the answers. However, my heart's desire is to seek, learn, and strive to know Christ in a very personal way. Simply put, I want to grow.

In addition to reading God's word, I find myself starting to read more books. One of the books I am reading right now is called, "Small Changes for a Better Life", by Elizabeth George. The book gives practical ways to living God's plan for your life. You know, the things we know we should do as Christians, but have a hard time putting into practice. One of my favorite parts of the book is where Mrs. George gives a acrostic formula for maturing spiritually. Here's an excerpt:


G-Give your life to Jesus Christ. When you ask Jesus to become Lord of your life, the Holy Spirit begins to do a work in you. This is the foundation for growing closer to Christ.

R-Recognize the sin in your life. What sin is present in your life that hinders you from growing closer to Christ? What sin secrets do you keep hidden from your friends and family, but can't be covered from Christ's eyes?

O-Overcome spiritual laziness. Because we are human, God has given us the freedom to choose. We have choices to make daily. As a Christian who desires growth, I have to make choices that will cultivate growth, not hinder it. If I feed myself worldly garbage, that's what I become. My attitude starts to stink and I become a complacent Christian who just shows up for church and gets nothing out of God's word. BORING!

W-Work out a method and rate for growth. Start to feed on God's word daily, listen to Christian music, read books, write a blog...find something that works for you. Basically, keep your eyes on Christ.

T-Try to find a mentor or accountability partner. Surround yourself with people who will tell you the truth which is biblically based, not just what you want to hear.

H-Have a life-long mentality about spiritual growth. If you want to grow closer to Christ, you have to make a commitment to walk with him daily. He is our friend. Do we choose to ignore the friends that we work with, go to church with, or meet in school? No. We have created a relationship with our friends through communication, mutual respect, and love. Doesn't Christ deserve the same?

Growth in Christ, for me, is the ultimate thank you I can give to him this Holiday season. For salvation, for his unconditional love, for all that he is to me, I give thanks!

May you remember "Jesus Loves You" this Thanksgiving and Christmas season!

Friday, October 3, 2008

"Judgemental Christians"

"Do not judge so that you will not be judged. For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' and behold, the log is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your own brother's eye." Matthew 7:1-5

Did you know that verse is one of the most quoted scriptures of the bible? Especially, by non-believers. Oh, they may claim to "believe in God", but they don't know what it is like to have a true relationship with Jesus Christ. This verse is commonly used as a defense to keep them away entering church doors and surrendering their lives. Why? Because they claim Christians are too judgemental and are hypocrites. The truth is...most of us are! Let me explain.

First of all, Christians aren't perfect. If you claim to be, you need some prayer because you are dead wrong! Christians are human. We sin daily. The difference is...Christians strive to be Christ-like and try to walk in holiness. They display fruits of the spirit (love, joy, peace patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Galatians 5:22-24) When Christians sin, they know it, acknowledge it, ask for forgiveness, and move on.

There are people who claim to be Christians, but lack the fruits of the spirit...especially love. If you have ever had a person try to point out your faults and short-comings, when you know they are guilty of the same, you know what I'm talking about. They are speaking from a heart of self-righteousness and not of love. Sometimes, those same people are not guilty of the same, but feel the need to crush your spirit every time they get a chance. Here's an example. I know a person who believes she is a Christian, but recognizes there is an aspect of her life that is not pleasing to God. It's sin. Someone that knows her and sees her occasionally (who claims to also be a Christian) always brings up that "sinful aspect" every chance she gets. While she is right about the "sinful aspect", her motives for always bringing it up certainly does not from a place of love, but from a place of "I'm better than you." YUK! This behavior really disgusts me because when non-believers see this behavior, they are quick to categorize all Christians this way.

As a Christian, I do want other Christians to point out to me if I'm not living the way I should. However, it should be done in a loving way...not with selfish motives. That's not an attitude of Christ. Christ doesn't beat you down to get you accept his salvation. He is there with open arms and ready to love you.

When you truly have Christ in your heart, a funny thing happens. All those gray areas in the world, soon become black or white. You do become less tolerant of things that aren't pleasing to Christ. I know this because it has happened to me. I willingly admit I know I've become more "judgemental" about certain issues (abortion, gay rights, just to name a few). It's because I strive to live a life that is holy and pleasing to God. I want my daily choices to honor God, not my flesh. Am I perfect? Absolutely not! But I do try to be a better person.

The truth is...the Bible is very clear on how to live as a Christian and the road to heaven is narrow. (Matthew 7:13-14) The bible is our road map for navigating through life. We may not like all it says and often think it doesn't apply to life today. NEWSFLASH! It does. Christ died for our sins by shedding his blood on a cross. I think he has earned the right to tell us through his word how we should live and what he considers to be right or wrong. Unfortunately, society doesn't want to hear that message. Because of this, there will be several people, including your friends and family, that will perish in eternal hell, because they refused the truth.

It's our job as Christians to reach out with love to others and share the love of Jesus Christ. Once the seed is planted, he will do the rest.

"Fireproof Your Marriage"

"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her." Ephesians 5:25

If you haven't had a chance to see the movie "Fireproof", get to the nearest movie theatre this weekend! It's one of the best movies I've ever seen. Be prepared will be challenged to look at your marriage in a new light.

Without giving too much of the plot away, let me just say this movie is for you if you can identify with the following topics:

Troubled relationship or marriage
Internet porn
In need of a miracle
Salvation through Jesus Christ

This movie will make you realize how the love of Jesus Christ can help you overcome the many obstacles we place in the path of our own lives. Through Jesus, we learn how to love and be loved. We become changed. Our wants and desires are made new. We are forgiven and can extend forgiveness to others...especially our loved ones.

Speaking from experience, a marriage can never work if Christ is not the head of your relationship. Picture a triangle. If God is at the top of the triangle and the husband and wife make up the lower points, the triangle is complete. The husband and wife are equal. As the husband and wife seek Christ as the head of their relationship, they move closer to him and closer to each other. Hence, they move closer to the top of the triangle. If Christ is not the head of the relationship, eventually, they husband and wife will drift further apart and the triangle will no longer have equal sides.

If you are in a state of discord with your spouse, let me challenge you to examine your relationship. Do you willingly invite Christ into your marriage? Wives, do you willingly allow your husband to assume their role as the head of the house or do you control every aspect? Husbands, are you the spiritual leader of your home or does your walk not match your talk? We have a responsibility to ourselves and the commitment we made before God to honor our marriage. That means that sometimes we need to bite our tongues, stop thinking me, myself and I, and think we and ours. What can I do for you? How are your feeling? What are your needs? When you consider these things, you will see a change in your relationship.

I've learned the hard way that love is more than a feeling, it's a choice! We can choose to fall in and out of love. We can choose to be defeated. We can choose to be sucked into the world or we can choose Christ.

Choosing Christ is always the right answer...the right answer for you and the right answer for your relationship!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

"...I found the one my heart loves..." Song of Solomon 3:4

5 years ago today, Scott and I were married on a beach as the sun was setting in the distance. Our lives became one in the presence of God, family, and friends. A perfect day to say the least.

Since that day, our lives has changed so much. We have chosen to surrender our lives to Christ and to accept his will for our family. In doing so, we have grown closer together as husband and wife. Our love for one another is immeasurable. Our relationship is secure. We have FINALLY found the secret to a solid marriage...choosing to serve Jesus Christ.

I love you Scott!!! You, Ashton, and Lawsen are my miracles that God gave to me to treasure here on earth.

Happy Anniversary!