Friday, October 3, 2008

"Fireproof Your Marriage"

"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her." Ephesians 5:25

If you haven't had a chance to see the movie "Fireproof", get to the nearest movie theatre this weekend! It's one of the best movies I've ever seen. Be prepared will be challenged to look at your marriage in a new light.

Without giving too much of the plot away, let me just say this movie is for you if you can identify with the following topics:

Troubled relationship or marriage
Internet porn
In need of a miracle
Salvation through Jesus Christ

This movie will make you realize how the love of Jesus Christ can help you overcome the many obstacles we place in the path of our own lives. Through Jesus, we learn how to love and be loved. We become changed. Our wants and desires are made new. We are forgiven and can extend forgiveness to others...especially our loved ones.

Speaking from experience, a marriage can never work if Christ is not the head of your relationship. Picture a triangle. If God is at the top of the triangle and the husband and wife make up the lower points, the triangle is complete. The husband and wife are equal. As the husband and wife seek Christ as the head of their relationship, they move closer to him and closer to each other. Hence, they move closer to the top of the triangle. If Christ is not the head of the relationship, eventually, they husband and wife will drift further apart and the triangle will no longer have equal sides.

If you are in a state of discord with your spouse, let me challenge you to examine your relationship. Do you willingly invite Christ into your marriage? Wives, do you willingly allow your husband to assume their role as the head of the house or do you control every aspect? Husbands, are you the spiritual leader of your home or does your walk not match your talk? We have a responsibility to ourselves and the commitment we made before God to honor our marriage. That means that sometimes we need to bite our tongues, stop thinking me, myself and I, and think we and ours. What can I do for you? How are your feeling? What are your needs? When you consider these things, you will see a change in your relationship.

I've learned the hard way that love is more than a feeling, it's a choice! We can choose to fall in and out of love. We can choose to be defeated. We can choose to be sucked into the world or we can choose Christ.

Choosing Christ is always the right answer...the right answer for you and the right answer for your relationship!

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