Sunday, July 13, 2008

Great Expectations

Have you ever heard the phrase, "unfulfilled expectations lead to upset"? You hear it a lot in the business world. We actually apply this concept in our office to improve staff relations and customer service. So what does it mean, you ask? Think of it this way. If you don't know what is expected of you, you will eventually find yourself dissatisfied and disappointed. The expectations you have for yourself aren't always what others expect from you.

The relationship between a husband and wife is the perfect example. Ladies, your husbands can't read your mind. You have to communicate with them and let them know what you are thinking. If you are feeling overwhelmed and need help with the kids, you have to express your feelings and let your husbands know what they can do to help relieve the stress. I promise they will be more than willing to help, if they know what you expect of them.

Expectations give you a road map and help direct your path. As Christians, our expectations are laid out in God's word. While society argues that the Bible is a washed up book with inaccurate stories, I beg to differ. I believe the Bible to be full of promise and suggestions for living a fulfilling life.

"All scripture is given by God and is useful for teaching, for showing people what is wrong in their lives, for correcting faults, and for teaching us how to live right. Using the scriptures, the person who serves God will be capable, having all that is needed to do every good work" 2nd Timothy 3:16-17.

What kind of life do you want to live? Fulfilled and forgiven or empty without expectations?

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Give Thanks!

"It is good to give thanks to the Lord and to sing praises to your name, O Most High." Psalm 92:1

Vacation is over and it's back to reality. daily balancing act. All of which I am thankful for. As I returned to work this week, I was thanking God I had a job to return to. Many parents I consulted this week about dental care for their kids were either about to loose their jobs, had already been working less hours, or just simply could not afford to have another bill. If you haven't heard, times are tough for a lot of people right now. When you have to make a decision between paying for gas and food or taking your child to the dentist, you know things aren't good.

Feeling the burden of financial strain is one of the most difficult situations many people face today. It's hard to fathom that you work 40 hours a week and your pay check is gone before it gets to the bank. Believe me, I've been there. Not so long ago, I lost a house and vehicle because of poor planning, bad judgment, and not living in God's will. The divorce from my 1st husband left me broken and in bankruptcy. During that time, I can't say I was living for Christ, but I can tell you I was thankful for what I still had.

Looking back, I don't know why Christ chose to keep his hand on my life and bless me. I never became homeless and always had reliable transportation to get back and forth to work. I remember praying and crying out to God - why me? But I never said forgive me, I am a sinner.

The last thought in our fleshy minds is to say "thanks" when times are hard. I know now, I needed to get to a low point so I could look up and seek God. I can't do things on my own. I need the Lord to give me strength and stability. If you are going through a situation that you can't work out on your own, maybe it's time to allow Christ to intervene in your situation. Thank him for what your have, pray for forgiveness, ask him into your heart, and surrender your life to the King. What can you loose?

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Something Majestic

"In the beginning God created the sky and the earth."  Genesis 1:1

I recently watched a movie where the main character, who was dying of cancer, created a list of all the things he wanted to do before he died.  One of the things on his list was to witness "something majestic".  The something he was referring to was Mount Everest.

As I sit on the back porch of our rental cabin in the mountains, I feel I've witnessed something majestic...God's creation.  From where I'm sitting, I see mountains for miles.  I see the still waters of the lake that show the reflection of the trees in the illuminating sun.  I feel the cool brisk breeze sweeping across my face.  It's so peaceful!

If you haven't taken the time to enjoy the outdoors and witness the beauty of God's creation, you have to put it on your list of things to do.  Whether you are in the mountains, at the beach, or even taking a walk in your neighborhood, remember to thank God for this beautiful land we call home and for all of the blessings he has bestowed upon you!