Wednesday, August 6, 2008

True Healing

"He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed." Isaiah 53:5

Nine Years ago yesterday would have been my mom's 61st birthday. Nine years ago today, my mom was healed of cancer. The Lord called her home on a Friday morning shortly after 7 a.m. There was no reluctance on her part. She willingly went. In fact, just days before slipping into a coma, I can remember her telling me how she was ready to see Jesus. How different the last nine years must have been for her.

While it's never easy to say goodbye to a loved one, it's much easier to accept when you know their pain has been replaced by peace and their suffering is over. More importantly though, death is always easier to accept when you know your loved one has confessed they are a sinner and that Jesus Christ is Lord. I can confidently tell you that my mom had assurance of her salvation and where she would spend eternity.

Anticipating the anniversary of her home going, the Lord has been reminding me of scripture and bringing to my memory the reality of death and the debt that he paid so that we would have eternal life. Isaiah 53 is the perfect example of what Christ did for you and me. He was beaten, humiliated, and rejected so that our sins would be forgiven and grace would be bestowed upon us, if we would confess him as Lord. What an incredible, awesome act of kindness and love. As unbelievers, we are self-absorbed and unworthy to be loved. As Christians, we are forgiven and healed from the sins that once consumed us. That's why Christ bore the pain and punishment. He wanted us to be healed from our past sin, awakened by his amazing love, and willing to serve a living Savior. By having faith, I know that Christ is alive today and that my mom has true healing and a new life with him.

Happy Birthday Mom! I miss you and love you with all of my heart!


Nikki Smith said...

Beautifully spoken... You are truly a blessing Nesia. Sorry, to hear about your loss. I will keep you in my prayers.

Logiethegreat! said...

I love you honey! Candice