Wednesday, September 10, 2008

"Shine Your Light"

"You are the light that gives light to the world." Matthew 4:14

Every Tuesday night, a group of faithful Promise Land members gather at 6:30 p.m. to shine their light in the world through visitation. I have to admit, I've never been a big fan of visitation. I've always felt like it's a bit intrusive. Most people don't want to be bothered by people they don't know when they come home from work and are trying to relax. Boy, have I been wrong! God has certainly given me the one, two punch on this one.

It wasn't until last night that I began to realize visitation can help the people who maybe don't go to church or who feel intimidated by coming before a large group of people to accept Christ. Visitation often allows people a chance to meet Jesus in the comfort of their own homes, where they are most vulnerable.

Last night was an incredible night for one man who has been struggling with alcoholism. After being sober for over 100 days, he was on the verge of taking another drink. He wanted so badly to abstain, but the chains of his addiction were overwhelming. Throughout the day, he had even called a friend to stay with him until his wife came home to prevent him from giving in to the power of alcohol. He was depressed, fearful, and broken.

Knock, come the faithful Promise Land members, bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ and shining their light on someone in need. To make a long story short, the chains of addiction were broken last night. The man who had been so close to taking another drink, drank of the living water and was healed! He cried out to Jesus and asked for forgiveness and was saved. He has a new life in Christ and will never be the same!

I challenge you to share your faith and be the light we have been called to be. Don't be fearful of what people may think. Through Jesus Christ, you have the power to change lives!

P.S. Pray for our Visitation ministry. They need our support, encouragement, and prayers weekly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok, I am crying and rejoicing at the same time!!!! Thanks for sharing that. I love you, girl!